We’re back!
1st July 2021 — Author: Leo
We are back this Sunday and The team can’t wait.
If you can all bring your swimmers at the session times that are shown below and correspond to the session you came to pre-covid either 1st or second session.
Session 1
4:30pm – 5pm – big and small pool session
Session 2
5pm – 5:45pm – big pool only
We have many swimmers who have not accessed water since we shut so the first session will be about getting in the water again and making sure groups are right for swimmers.
This email is going out to those on our waiting list just to keep you updated I will email you separately once I have finalised what numbers actually return and what space we have, so please be patient.
Finally re starting back on either 15th August or 5th September at the moment there is a small majority for the 5th but I haven’t received a vote from everyone so I thought I do another quick poll on Sunday. Once I get a better feeling I will make the call for our post august return.
I am fantastically excited and the whole team look forward to seeing you on Sunday.
Many thanks
Leo and the team at Muskham SC