MSC – The reopening!

**Updated – 11th June 2021**

After a number of false dawns and a long time coming but finally Muskham Swimming Club is going to reopen on Sunday on the 20th of June I am really excited about getting back to the pool!

Things are going to be a little different and this information is aimed at setting out some of the new normals we will need to implement.
As mentioned in my previous ‘Back to the pool’ post our new time slot on a Sunday will be 1630 – 1745. All the feedback I received regarding this were very encouraging, the feeling being that this would work better, so great news there.
Our new normals for our sessions are as follows:

Arrive at the leisure centre

You will not need a card to swipe through the gates they will either be open or someone will be there to open it.

All swimmers must be beach ready ie; swimming costumes on under their clothes
Only one parent or guardian may escort the swimmer/swimmers to the leisure centre if the swimmer is over 8
You may only accompany your child into the leisure centre and to the changing room if they are under 8 yrs old.
This can only be altered in special circumstances and you must contact me directly to discuss, when we can review it on a case by case basis.

Swimmers over 8yrs old – on arrival

One parent/guardian can take swimmer/s to the door at the front of the leisure centre.
For the first few weeks members of the team will be there to meet and greet to show them the way. Parent/guardian unfortunately can’t stay in the centre and must wait outside during the swim time. They can then wait at the pick up point at the end of the session but must not go pool side except in exceptional circumstances.
All over 8’s swimming bags will be stowed pool side in designated areas so please make sure they are well marked with names.

Swimmers under 8 yrs old – on arrival

Only One Parent/guardian may enter the centre taking their swimmers to the waiting area outside the changing village and then delivering them to poolside.
Once the swimmers have moved to pool side parents and guardians must follow the one way system and wait in the viewing area until the end of the session.

They can then meet up with the swimmers and help them change (see below).

All under 8’s bags need to be kept with the parent or guardian. No bags are to be left in the changing village as this is cleaned during each session any bags left will be removed by centre staff so please do not leave them.

No showers are to be used before or after swimming, chlorine levels have been increased but well within acceptable levels so please shower swimmers when you get home!

Equipment during the session

We can use the centre equipment, such as floats, which are being sanitised after every session. However we can no longer supply goggles for those that forget theirs which we have done in the past.
If parents/guardians feel more comfortable suppling their own floats or need to order new goggles or equipment, you can visit 1 Stop Swim Shop – this website has all the things needed without you having to search endlessly.
If you have any questions about what items you may need, please email me.

During the session:

The teachers will keep the swimmers in the pool as much as possible. Our swimmers will be limited in numbers per group and we will endeavour to keep social distancing during the sessions but as I am sure you will be aware keeping children apart in social situations can be challenging!

At the end of the session:

Swimmers over 8 yrs

Leave the poolside directly without showering and then change in the changing village.
They must then leave poolside through the door they entered into the changing cubicles and then walk towards the end door deep end end of the village to be picked up at the pick up point in the corridor

Swimmers under 8 yrs

A parent may renter the changing village to collect their swimmer/s and help them change also leaving via the deep end doors following the one way system.

This system has been used by the Newark sports and fitness centre to restart their lessons and they have advised it has worked well.

Final things

Finally and most importantly I need to know a couple of things

  1. Please email me the session your child swam in pre lockdown plus whether big or small pool. I need to make sure records are correct.
  2. And What if any swimming your swimmers have accessed during our time out a simple lots, a bit or none will suffice.


Payments will restart as of the Friday 11th of June.

Those who paid monthly paying £11.10 for 1 child £10.10 for 2 children and 9.10 for 3 children etc for June and then set up a standing order for £16 a month for 1 child £15 each for 2 children, £14 each for 3 children and so on from 1st of July

If you paid yearly you will need to pay £3.46 for each child for June and then set up a standing order for £5 per child from 1st of July onwards. This will last for 9 months at which point you will need to continue with monthly payments at the appropriate level….This all assumes we do not go back into any covid lock downs…..fingers crossed!

I will be checking my emails and the bank account between now and 13.00 on the 11th of June. Those who have confirmed via email they are returning and have paid their initial monthly subscription will be the group that will be returning to the pool on the 20th. Unfortunately anyone who has not paid or contacted me with the above information/or asked for a delayed restart will not be able to swim.

Due to the logistics of getting an initial group started could I please ask you to contact me with the information requested above as soon as possible.

I have worked on the responses I have had so far which gives us the numbers to return covering our costs but if I do not get the the responses/ payments needed I will have to delay as we wouldn’t be able to cover our costs with anything less.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact MSC.

I look forward to seeing you all in a couple of weeks. I hope you enjoyed the half term break and we all look forward to seeing you on Sunday 20th.

Many thanks
Leo and the team at Muskham SC